Uda City is implementing “Uda City Safety and Security Mail,” an e-mail delivery service to protect the safety and security of the community by sending out information on fire, weather, disasters, as well as crime prevention information such as information on suspicious persons.
By selecting the information you wish to receive and registering, you can promptly receive information from the city on your cell phone, smartphone, or PC. Please take advantage of this service.
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Please access to the site by “QR code”, “blank email”, or “enter URL”!
Please read the following QR code with a cell phone or smart phone that can read QR codes, connect to the site, and follow the instructions to register.
【For PCs and Smartphones】
【For cell phones and cellular phones】
Send a blank email to the email address below and follow the instructions in the returned email to register.
Please enter the following URL directly
Please follow the steps below to register from the site accessed by the above method.
Click “Send Email” on the Send Blank Email screen, and send the email without making any changes on the Send Email screen.
If you have set your spam filter to “block” incoming e-mails, please specify the following domains and set them so that you can receive city e-mails.
Recipients are responsible for any communication costs (packet charges) necessary to receive the delivered e-mail magazines.
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