

Safety Information


Dear foreign travelers:

We recommend that you download this safety app before visiting Japan.

Emergency Numbers and Other Information


Call 110 from any telephone when you are involved in a crime or an accident. 


Call 119 from any telephone when you need an ambulance or the fire department because of sudden illness, injury or a fire.


Weather/Earthquake Information (Japan Meteorological Agency)


Important Information on Countermeasures against Earthquake Disasters (Fire and Disaster Management Agency)


Tools That Can Be Used by International Visitors to Collect Information by Themselves When Disasters Occur

Websites & Telephone

1. JNTO Global Website 【Available in English】
“Important Notice” on the global website of Japan National Tourism Organization
(JNTO) provides related link page in case of natural disasters.

   JNTO URL:https://www.japan.travel/en/

2. Japan Visitor Hotline (JNTO Call Center)
JNTO accepts telephone inquiries in English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese 24 hours a day.

Telephone No. :050-3816-2787

3.NHK WORLD-JAPAN 【Available in English】
24-hour English channel that offers the latest news in Japan and Asia. It is useful as an information source in English in case of a big disaster such as earthquake or typhoon.



1. JNTO Official Smartphone App

【Available in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean】

“Japan Official Travel App”, which is the tourism information app for
smartphones, notifies disaster information such as emergency earthquake
report and special weather warning through. 

2. Disaster Information Provider App “Safety tips”

【Available in Japanese, English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean】
“Safety tips” app provides international visitors with information related to
disasters. The app can be downloaded from URLs below.
・Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.rcsc.safetyTips.android 
・iPhone : https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/safety-tips/id858357174?mt=8



 Twitter from JNTO (Japan Safe Travel) 【Available in English】
JST is managed by Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO), providing foreign
visitors safety tips and latest information in case of natural disasters.

Useful Tools to Guide International Visitors When a Disaster Occurs

 Multilingual Voice Translation System

VoiceTra 【Available in 31 languages, including Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean】
A voice translation app "VoiceTra", which translates content into a foreign language when you speak to, can be used on a trial basis. http://voicetra.nict.go.jp/

※There are private sector products using “VoiceTra technology”



Twitter from Prime Minister’s Official Residence (disaster/crisis management information) 【Only available in Japanese】
Prime Minister’s official residence offers information on government
activities related to disaster/crisis management by Twitter.

Medical Related Information

 1. List of medical institutions which accept international visitors
【Available in Japanese, English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean】
Medical institutions which provide treatment in foreign languages can be b
searched by department and language

medicalURL: http://www.jnto.go.jp/emergency/jpn/mi_guide.html

 2. Guidebook 【Available in 6 languages, including Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean】
The guidebook contains how to apply to a medical institution in Japan, finger-point
conversation sheets which are useful to convey symptoms, etc.

Other Useful Links

Embassies and Consulates in Japan


Kansai International Airport


Nara Prefecture International Citizens Center


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Uda City Tourism Division
17-3 Haibara-Shimoidani, Uda City 633-0206
TEL: 0745-82-2457
FAX: 0745-82-8211
Email: s-kankou@city.uda.lg.jp


